413 W 11th St., , Coffeyville, KS 67337

 (620) 464-4796

Animal Clinic of Southeast Kansas



When surgery is the answer, Animal Clinic of Southeast Kansas has the experienced veterinarians to help. We exercise all of the necessary precautions to ensure that your pet is a healthy, safe candidate for particular types of surgery.

We can assist with internal issues such as heart or liver problems as well as muscular or skeletal issues that are causing undue pain.

Constant Health Monitoring for Your Pets.

Our surgery practices are not unlike those done for humans. So long as your pet is a viable candidate, we can supply them with anesthetics that safely cause them to sleep to avoid experiencing pain or discomfort. We also supply them with fluids and oxygen to ensure that their bodies stay healthy throughout the entire surgery process.


Post-operation care is just as critical as the procedure itself. We have dedicated technicians who monitor your pet's health levels and make sure that they wake safely. We guide pet owners on the care procedures necessary to keep your pets happy and healthy as they recover from their various procedures.


Happy, Healthy Pets


Satisfied Pet Owners


Talented Veterinarians


Center for Pet Care Information
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